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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Clean Socks vs. Clean Underwear

This post’s topic highlights what article of clothing we think is the most important to have clean! You can determine who is talking by what color the words are. Beccy52 is purple, lirael95 is green.

B: Define clean….

L: Ask Webster. Though I would assume it means “not dirty.”

ok………. *looking through dictionary * here it is…. Clean- adj.-free from dirt, disease, or pollution.

So! Which matters more: disease-free socks or pollutant-free underpants?

UnderWEAR is the most important. I mean, who would want to go skipping through town with dirty underwear….. Now that’s really gross. And not to mention it doesn’t smell that pleasant either.

So you’re tellin’ me your posterior stinks. Thanks. And underPANTS make more sense, because you wear them under your PANTS, not under your WEAR!

now don’t go twisting my words. I never said my underwear smells. I think that you can wear socks more than once. All they do it stay in your shoes…. But underwear touches your butt. Gross! D:

So now you tell me your feet stink. Great. Also, by your argument, your underpants just stay inside your pants. I mean, it’s not like you wear them OVER your pants, they’re UNDERpants, not OVERpants! I’d also like to point out that your socks don’t just stay in your shoes, they touch your feet! I hate wearing socks as it is; if I have to wear them, they had better be clean!

I’m going to twist YOUR words now. Underwear should still be the cleanest. I mean I think you would want to have clean feet before applying the sock right? (This may sound like it’s coming from the sock side of the argument but this goes for the underwear too). Dirty feet + clean sock+ sweat= dirty socks. Eww. I’m sorry, but I wish it was a law that people had to have clean underWEAR . I don’t care about the socks ‘cause shoes are always dirty on the inside while your pants and hopefully your backside get cleaned frequently.

Well, I’m going to assume that you wash your feet whenever you wash your butt… as in when you SHOWER. Also, the inside of my shoes are quite clean, thank you very much. If yours aren’t, I suggest you wear clean socks more often. And by the way, how exactly were my words twisted?

To be honest I don’t really know now… I guess that when I went over the last thing I said I took it out, so I guess I just made myself look stupid, not the first impression I wanted to give to our viewers. Assuming that we get viewers…

Just FYI… they’re called READERS.

*glares angrily*

Just sayin’…

well… they do VIEW the page. So I guess they can sort of be called viewers. And thanks for making me seem stupider.

You’re welcome.

you DO know that I was being sarcastic right?

Yup. I ‘d also like to point out that if we got any more off topic we’d be debating the awesomeness differential of monkeys and seagulls .

okay fine… I’ve pretty much said everything I could about underwear having to be clean instead of socks, but I do have one more that is VERY VERY important. UNDERWEAR MUST BE CHANGED EVERYDAY! I DON’T CARE IF LIRAEL OR YOUR PARENTS TELL YOU OTHERWISE. THEY MUST BE CLEAN AND MUST BE CLEANED BECAUSE I SAID SO! That’s it. :*

I’m afraid that isn’t much of an argument. My last point is that your socks get sweaty, but your underpants don’t really get that sweaty at all.

you say that socks get sweaty, but butts don’t? People cry when their underwear is dirty. Think of babies (yes I do know that babies wear diapers, but they are very similar.) dirty diapers/underwear needs changing. Just sayin’ :) note: my underwear is clean and I’m not wearing socks. Now you can’t twist the line before. Haha!

This entire argument is completely pointless. Let’s go wash some socks.

the argument was supposed to be pointless and I’m not washing anyone’s socks or underwear.

At this point, Congress made arguing about socks and underpants/wear illegal, so we had to go do something worthwhile. Like argue about the awesomeness differential of monkeys and seagulls.

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